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terms & Conditions

Welcome to Black Art Customs SW’s terms & conditions.

Before you have your services with us, you should give these a read just to be sure you’re aware of our warranties and cancellation policies.

Use of / Black Art Customs SW is provided subject to the following Terms and Conditions. The information published on / Black Art Customs SW website is provided as a service to users, to be used for informational purposes only.

While we have tried to provide accurate and timely information, there may be technical or factual inaccuracies and typographical errors, for which we apologise and we accept no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions on our website to the extent permitted by law. We reserve the right to make changes and corrections at any time, without notice.

The website is an internet service published by Black Art Customs SW using the site the user automatically accepts our Terms and Conditions. We may change and republish the Terms and Conditions from time to time. It is up to the user to regularly review these Terms and Conditions and note any changes. Continued use of the site after a change has been made indicates the user’s acceptance of those changes.

Any material found within the website, including text or images, may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted without the express permission of / Black Art Customs SW, whereupon, if approved, the appropriate licence may be granted.

We may publish links to external independent websites, however, The / Black Art Customs SW cannot be held responsible for the content of those websites. By linking to other websites does not indicate that / Black Art Customs SW agrees with any claims, statements or opinions published by those sites. / Black Art Customs SW shall not be responsible for an external site loading within the frameset of the website – if users encounter this they should contact the webmaster / Sales Team immediately with as much information as possible, including the pages they were viewing immediately before the event.

In no event will / Black Art Customs SW be liable for any damages including, without limitation, indirect or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever arising from use or loss of use, data, or profits, whether in the action of contract, negligence or other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use of the site. The / Black Art Customs SW does not warrant that the functions contained in the material contained in this site will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs or represents the full functionality, accuracy, reliability of the materials.

The names, images and logos identifying / Black Art Customs SW, or third parties and their products and services are proprietary marks of / Black Art Customs SW and/or third parties. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication or otherwise any licence or right under any trademark or patent of / Black Art Customs SW or any other third party.

Black Art Customs SW will not be responsible or liable for any unforeseeable losses; losses that were not caused by Black Art Customs SW employees, agents or representatives’ negligence or for any business losses. This does not affect any claim that the customer may have for death or personal injury. Nothing in this condition will affect the customer’s statutory rights that the works are performed with due skill and care, that the goods supplied are of satisfactory quality and are fit for their purpose and that the products and services correspond with their description.

Black Art Customs SW will not be responsible for any loss of valuable items left by the customer and are not connected to the vehicle or damage to such items. We advise all items are removed from the vehicle prior to coming Black Art Customs SW.

Black Art Customs SW will not be liable for any damage or delay in the services provided if the reasons are down to “an act of God”, “industrial action such as strikes”, “government disputes”, “pandemic viruses” or factors to be deemed out of control of Black Art Customs SW.

Every care will be taken whilst working on your vehicle to provide you with the highest standards of workmanship, Black Art Customs SW, will not be responsible for any extra costs incurred due to breakages, whether that is mechanical or electrical or software related when the damage caused was unavoidable due to natural wear and tear or rust to the vehicle which was present but not always visible prior to the commencement of any work. We will not accept any responsibility for pre-existing damage or mechanical faults on vehicles. Mechanical faults due to wear and tear that may occur during our collection and delivery service remain the responsibility of the vehicle owner.


A contract will be binding between Black Art Customs SW and the customer upon the booking of or arrival of the vehicle on site (whichever is first) for ECU remapping, estimate/assessment and/or any other repair.

If you place an order or make a booking via the phone or internet or in person you warrant that you are legally capable of entering into a contract of sale and you are at least 18 years old and reside in the UK.

Black Art Customs SW will provide details of the cost of each, car service and any mechanical work required before the work is done. All work and costs, including additional work, must be approved by the customer before any work is carried out. Any estimate given for such work will be valid for a period of 14 days and is subject to physical inspection of the vehicle and parts prices remaining the same.

The / Black Art Customs SW will provide a written quotation by email and/or on a screen showing the total fee for work to be carried out at our facilities.

Where the customer agrees by email, or other written device to book the workshop slot, / Black Art Customs SW will provide a booking confirmation to the customer by email where possible. The customer must pay the requested deposit or payment as defined on the booking confirmation before confirmation of the booking. During that period, / Black Art Customs SW reserves the right to accept any booking for the workshop slot from a third party, where said third party agrees to pay before receipt of payment from the customer. On receipt of the required payment from the customer, / Black Art Customs SW will issue a booking confirmation by email, to the customer.

Where the customer chooses to amend their booking 10 days or more before the workshop date agreed, resulting in a change of dates regarding workshop slots, a £100 Booking Administration Fee will be levied. Where the customer alters the booking resulting in a reduction in the cost after the initial quote, / Black Art Customs SW will charge the £100 work allocation administration Fee. Any changes to existing bookings within 7 days of arrival at our facilities will normally not be permitted but will try to accommodate where we can.

If any work/repairs/modifications cannot be done within the quoted timespan due to circumstances beyond Black Art Customs SW control, an advisor will contact the customer and inform them accordingly – this may sometimes be due to parts not being delivered or available, or the work required may take longer to complete.


The customer agrees that on payment of the deposit sum to / Black Art Customs SW, the customer will signify their full acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of booking. The customer further acknowledges that full payment of the final sum will be made before the collection of the customer’s vehicle(s).

Payments & Deposits

Deposits must be made at the time of booking, the deposit is non-refundable. / Black Art Customs SW reserves the right to request higher deposits or waiver, as and when the management deem them suitable.

The customer agrees and acknowledges that / Black Art Customs SW will not release the vehicle(s) or any goods before receipt by / Black Art Customs SW of payment in full. Failure of the customer to pay in full for any service will result in removal or refusal to supply said service.

The customer agrees to pay the total fee as shown on the quotation as set out on the booking confirmation. Final and full payment is due on collection (Less the deposit received at the time of booking). In the event of late payment, or failure to pay, / Black Art Customs SW reserves the right to levy the cancellation penalty percentage charges against any money that the customer has paid in advance. Where the money paid in advance is insufficient to cover the calculated percentage, / Black Art Customs SW reserves the right to exercise any legal remedies to pursue the amount owed by the customer.

Where the customer chooses to amend their booking 10 days or more before the workshop date agreed, resulting in a change of dates regarding workshop slots, a £100 Booking Administration Fee will be levied. Where the customer alters the booking resulting in a reduction in the cost after the initial quote, / Black Art Customs SW will charge the £100 work allocation administration Fee. Any changes to existing bookings within 7 days of arrival at one of our centres will normally not be permitted but will try to accommodate where we can.

Late payments of any outstanding balance will incur a charge of 2.5% of the total cost of works for every five working days of late payment. / Black Art Customs SW reserves the right to change or waive this charge if/where management deems it suitable.

Late Collections/Pickups / Black Art Customs SW reserves the right to charge storage of any vehicle or goods on/within our facilities, at £100.00 per day beyond the agreed collection date. This is non-negotiable, as we simply don’t have ample space to store vehicles for days on end which will affect our business following. 

Black Art Customs SW does not accept any liability for any damage or losses suffered by the Customer from the storage of its vehicle at the garage or at our secure storage site. Black Art Customs SW cannot be held responsible for the deterioration of vehicles while in storage such as getting dirty if exposed to the elements, flat batteries, flat tyres, air suspensions dropping, electrical faults developing due to lack of use etc


The customer has the right to cancel his/her/they/them car service at any time, as long as any of the agreed work to date has been paid for up to the point of cancellation.

The customer is also responsible to pay for any materials/parts which are ordered at their request (special orders), should they decide not to continue with the work.

The customer may cancel their booking at any time up to the workshop slot date in writing. If the customer exercises their right to cancel, / Black Art Customs SW will levy the following cancellation penalty percentage rates of the Total Fee including deposit:

  • From the initial date of booking up to 40 days before the workshop slot date 100% Return of Deposit 
  • Between 30 and 39 days before the workshop slot date 75% Return of Deposit 
  • Between 15 and 29 days before the workshop slot date 50% Return of Deposit 
  • Less than 14 days before the workshop slot date 0% Return of Deposit / Black Art Customs SW regrets that it is unable to waive any of the cancellation charges above, whatever the circumstances.


Keeping your vehicle clean and free from dirt will always help maintain the look of your wheel’s finished surface.

Please do not use any harsh chemicals in your cleaning process to help prevent any reaction to our materials.

Allow 5 days after the installation of work before washing the vehicle for the first time. Strictly hand-wash the vehicle only. DO NOT USE pressure washers/automatic washers.

Ensure you clean your vehicle from the top to bottom, allowing dirt and water to run downwards.

Wipe spillages, diesel/petro/bird droppings etc., from the finished surface as quickly as possible.

Ceramic finishes are available for an additional cost, which aid with cleaning and maintaining your wheels finished appearance. 


Works will be completed as quickly and efficiently as possible. In the unlikely event of a delay to any works, / Black Art Customs SW will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from a delay in completing all or part of the services ordered or confirmed.

Insurance / Black Art Customs SW has no insurable interest in any customers’ vehicles delivered to our premises and cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to customers’ vehicles/goods. It is the responsibility of our clients/customers to ensure their vehicles/goods are fully insured whilst on / Black Art Customs SW premises.